Wrapping Up 2023

…it’s May already? It’s a high time for a (short) look back at the hobby year 2023.

Last year was a slow one on the hobby front, for a number of reasons, but I managed to finish 20 models during the year. Again, I concentrated on single minis or small groups as I’m a painter first and foremost.

It’s difficult to pick favorites as I once again like each and every model, but if I had to pick just a couple, it would probably be the Blood Angel and the Poxwalkers. The Space Marine is, I think, technically speaking the nicest model of the year. The ‘walkers might not be up to that standard, but they were so much fun to paint – and definitely quicker! Likewise, picking my least favorite is tough, but Chosen Axes were perhaps the least enjoyable to paint for me. The models just weren’t my cup of tea, but at least they were good practice for painting skin.

My hobby bingo card was a bit of a let-down in that I didn’t even get close to a completed row, but on the other hand I was able to claim squares with each of my projects (if you count the ‘walkers as one project)!

Actual painting aside, I think I did some personal growth in 2023! Ever since I became a father in 2021, there has been less and less hobby time. This bothered me, more than I’d like to admit, for the following year or so. I’d get all bummed out if I didn’t get to paint in a day, or if I’d have time but was too tired to paint. But last year I think I grew to accept that if I don’t have time to do the hobby, or if I choose to do something else with my me-time, that’s okay. I think it’s had a positive effect on my wellbeing, if not the number of painted minis (sorry…).

What’s in store for (the rest of) 2024? If the first third is of any indication, it’ll be another slow year, but who knows, maybe I can pick up the pace. I do have a couple of ideas about what I’d like to paint, and currently Space Marines are high up on that list. I’d like to do some more Black Templars, but also continue my First-Founding project. I’ve also realized that I’m quite close to finishing multiple projects(/warbands/squads): the Poxwalkers and Corvus Cabalists both have only three models left to paint, and my Stormcast and Khorne armies (AoS 1st-ed launch box) only need their leaders. Finishing one or more of these would be cool and, dare I say, in the realm of possibility. Of course, I’ve also got a dozen Underworlds warbands to paint…

And speaking of Underworlds, I got a couple of games in! My sister spent a few days with my family around May Day, and we got to play some rounds for the first time in… three years or so? Had to spend some time re-reading the rules and setting up card decks, but much fun and many bad dice rolls were had 😀 The Gitz and Magore’s Fiends got their first plays. Maybe there’s time for a game or two more before the year’s out?

Zarbag and his crew ready to take on the Fiends.

Another minimattila; Goings-on

Alright, a quick post to show you I’m still alive! Unfortunately, this post will be light on pictures. Not much hobby progress to share, nor any new finished models 😦

So this summer was a bit different from what we’d hoped. Due to a very unfortunate issue with our apartment (more on that later, perhaps), we spent the summer mostly at the in-laws. Nothing against them, but it meant I didn’t have access to my painting desk, so no progress on that front. I did, however, build a lot of kits! For example, I built almost all my remaining Underworlds warbands (I now have 12 bands built or primed…) and a bunch of character models.

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