Another minimattila; Goings-on

Alright, a quick post to show you I’m still alive! Unfortunately, this post will be light on pictures. Not much hobby progress to share, nor any new finished models 😦

So this summer was a bit different from what we’d hoped. Due to a very unfortunate issue with our apartment (more on that later, perhaps), we spent the summer mostly at the in-laws. Nothing against them, but it meant I didn’t have access to my painting desk, so no progress on that front. I did, however, build a lot of kits! For example, I built almost all my remaining Underworlds warbands (I now have 12 bands built or primed…) and a bunch of character models.

Then on to the big, good, news! At the end of July our second child – a beautiful, healthy baby girl – was born. Everything went pretty much as well as it could have, and the time with the newborn has been surprisingly easy (read: “more sleep than I thought”). As it turns out though, two kids that need pretty much constant looking after means very little free time for the parents! Now that work has started again after my paternity leave, I’ve been readjusting my schedule and spending what little free time I’ve had playing computer games (Boltgun was cool!) and watching YouTube.

Due to the apartment trouble and the new-comer, my Warhammer hobby is shelved for the moment. I’m starting to feel the itch to get back to painting and modeling, but so far haven’t had the time or energy to set up my hobby space. I’m still hoping to get some models finished before the year’s end, but try not to stress over it… We’ll see how it goes!

I’ll leave you with a WIP picture and a bit of a progress report on my Space Marine project. I’m almost finished building the four remaining loyalists! Below you can see the White Scar and the Iron Hand. Very excited to get to painting both of them, though they need bases first. The Salamander is also built, sans the base. Finally, I just received the Raven Guard upgrade kit, so I can finish assembling the model as soon as I pull my tools and the other bits from storage… I think I have a chance of finishing all the loyalists next year!

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