Shadespire Collection So Far

One part of Azazel’s April challenge focuses on armies, and showcasing them “like 16 year-old girls post selfies”. My current collection doesn’t really have any proper armies, but I do have a collection of Shadespire warbands and terrain. They’ll do!

Just the one group photo this time. I have previously shown two of the warbands on this blog, my first proper post was to showcase the Skaven, and just last post was about the Stormcast Eternals. In the future I will be posting showcases for the remaining warbands – the Deathrattle, Khorne and Orruk teams – as well as the scenery pieces.

As you can see from the photo above, I’ve tried to come up or find a different color scheme for each of the groups, and if possible, go with something other than the box art. With that, I am just a couple colors short of a color wheel! If I can come up with a yellow and a green scheme, I’ll be set. Green should be easy, but yellow might be more tricky. Maybe I’ll count gold, and paint one of the Stormcast bands in the default Hammers of Sigmar scheme..

I’d like to eventually get all of the Shadespire warbands, and Nightvault as well, but I’ll have to see if I can keep up with GW’s release schedule. I’ve obviously fallen behind pretty badly (9 Underworlds teams to go, and soon two more), but as long as I can get the Nightvault box before it’s discontinued to make room for season 3, I should be good.

6 thoughts on “Shadespire Collection So Far

    1. Thanks, much appreachiated! My camera and setup don’t seem to be ideally suited to taking bigger group shots like this, but I’m glad if you could make something out 🙂 I’ll post some better photos of the individual warbands eventually.


  1. That’s a very impressive collection of warbands – both in having so many of them done (from my perspective, anyway) and also the quality of paint on each of those models.


    1. Thanks Az! I’m very happy about my collection as well. Though I really should get back to it if I’m ever going to complete the set(s).. 11 warbands to go! Well, my birthday’s coming so maybe I’ll treat myself..


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